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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

IB Artshow

Today we were asked to pick two pieces of artwork from the IB Artshow and describe them.

Vice by John Dexter VI

This picture was made using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop. It has a generally dark value for the background and depicts a vial of pills being spilled onto a counter. One of the pills is broken open, releasing an ominous green vapor. The vapor rises and swirls into the shape of a skull, implying that a dose of the pills is either deadly, or can be deadly in copious amounts.

Title Unknown by Estela Lopez Jimenez

This picture was lacking a label, so the type of paint used to paint it and the title of the piece are unknown. The picture is a painting of a nebula, that strikingly resembles the Ant Nebula. The paining uses a vibrant spectrum of colors to make the nebula more photorealistic. There seems to be no story or communication in this painting (unlike Vice above), it may be that the purpose of the painting was merely to document the beauty in the otherwise vast and relatively empty space throughout the universe.


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