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Friday, May 24, 2013

More Vocab

  • Displacement Mapping
 A way to create a bumpy surface using a texture. Alternative to Bump Mapping.

  • Bump Mapping 
 A way to create a bumpy surface without actually rendering a model of the bumps. Uses a smooth object.

  • Rendering 
 Creating an image from a model.

  • Alpha Channel 
 Controls the transparency of an image.

  • NURBS vs Polygon 
 NURBS - a model used to represent curves and surfaces. More flexible than polygons.
Polygons - Figure with at least 3 sides and angle, commonly used for models. Usually models are composed of many polygons.

  • Tiling 
 Dividing an image by a grid into many tiles that are then used to make larger images. Tiles themselves tend to be small.

  • Skinning 
 Process of associating bones of an animation skeleton with a portion of the model.

  • Aperture 
 Opening through which light travels. Commonly used in cameras in conjunction with the shutter to control the amount of light reaching the interior.

  • Shutter Speed 
 The length of time a camera's shutter is open.

  • Focal Length 
 Distance between a lens/mirror and it's focus.

  • Dolly 
 Equipment designed to create smooth camera movements.

  • Pan 
 Horizontal movement of a camera.

  • Roll Aspect Ratio 
 Proportional relation between width and height of a camera view.


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